Registration of diesel Volkswagen Golf Sportwagen will be canceled in Ukraine


I will cancel the registration of diesel Volkswagen Golf Sportwagen on the territory of Ukraine in the near future. This decision was made by the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, based on errors in the car certification documents.

According to reliable data, The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine plans to cancel the registration of all diesel cars Volkswagen Golf Sportwagen officially sold and imported to Ukraine. According to the documents, the figure is 2,800 copies. In short, the previously known diesel gate has officially reached Ukraine.

The first echoes of the diesel scandal in Ukraine began back in May 2018. A month before, the official representative of Porsche Ukraine was selling new diesel Volkswagen Golf Sportwagen at a lower price, more than 50%. Despite suspicions of a low price, almost all 2,800 copies were sold.

Later, the spokesman acknowledged errors in the certification of diesel Volkswagen Golf Sportwagen made in Mexico, although Germany was indicated in the certificate. Such a problem with documents will affect not only the representative, but also the owners of such diesel Volkswagen Golf Sportwagen. In the near future, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine plans to cancel the registration of such vehicles. It will be possible to re-register a car again, but with a full package of necessary documents, including a certificate that meets all the rules. As the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine specified, the registration of diesel Volkswagen Golf Sportwagen will be canceled in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Whether the owners of such cars will be notified, and what to do next, there is nothing to say. It is reliably known that even with the presence of license plates and documents, the operation of such a diesel Volkswagen Golf Sportwagen is prohibited, since it is not legal. The Porsche Ukraine office clarified that they would try to solve the situation as comfortably as possible for the owners of the Volkswagen Golf Sportwagen.

An article has already appeared on the official Volkswagen website in Germany regarding this statement, it is identical to that published on the Ukrainian website. The Association of Automobile Importers and Dealers said that they could not help with anything, since since 2015 Porsche Ukraine has left the association, which means that it has nothing to do with the organization.

It is worth recalling that the diesel scandal, also known as "dieselgate", began due to the cunning of Volkswagen engineers. They, in turn, developed software on the basis of which the on-board computer can reduce or increase the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. Thus, all the rules and certificates of the diesel cars produced were violated. As a result, most of the cars returned to the manufacturer. How the Volkswagen Golf Sportwagen diesel scandal will develop in Ukraine remains to wait and follow the updates.
